Confirmation is a continuation of the spiritual journey begun at Baptism in which we are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. We will be offering Adult Confirmation again this spring 2025.
Seven sessions start Sunday, March 30, 2025, with Confirmation at 8:00 am Mass on Pentecost, Sunday, June 8.
Participants must be baptized, practicing Catholics who have received First Holy Communion and are at least 18 years old and out of high school.
We’re so excited that you want to enter the Catholic Church and/or complete your sacraments in the Church. Welcome home! During this time, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA, formerly known as RCIA) process can help you truly dive into your faith both spiritually and mentally.
Each year, St. Francis offers the opportunity to participate in OCIA for those who desire to become members of the Catholic Church by receiving Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. OCIA is also for adults who were baptized Catholic but who have not received their other sacraments.
Please see our OCIA FAQs below for more information.
Our current OCIA session started in September 2024. If you are interested in learning more and beginning the process, please complete the Inquiry Form and we will be in touch with you soon:
If you are a confirmed Catholic and would like to share your faith with those interested in becoming Catholic, please consider becoming a Sponsor for OCIA. It is a great blessing to walk with someone in their faith journey as they learn about and prepare to enter our beautiful Church. To volunteer or learn more, fill out the RCIA Sponsor form.
Catholicism is a way of life, and becoming Catholic is a journey in faith. OCIA is a formation process, rooted in Church history, designed to form adults in the Catholic faith and prepare adults to receive the sacraments of the Church. This process is so much more than just learning about God. It is about getting to know God on a personal level.
Becoming Catholic involves entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His community of God’s people.
Our belief is that you will enjoy a deeper relationship with God as you become acquainted with members of St. Francis and the Church throughout the world. Your OCIA journey will be a unique time for you. You will no doubt notice how your own life experiences and beliefs have brought you to this point as you listen to God’s invitation to explore the Catholic faith. At the same time, members of the parish are praying for you, attending sessions with you, and sharing their own life stories as followers of Christ in His Church.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Children and Teens (OCIA-AC/AT), is the process adapted for those unbaptized, ages 7 to 17, who desire to become a Christian in the Catholic Church. The format follows that of the adult OCIA program, but in a manner adapted for the understanding and maturation of children and teens.
The Order of Christian Initiation is not a time-defined process. It is the process of a spiritual journey that may take a short period of time or a number of years. For those unbaptized seekers, we offer the Catechumenate process that begins in September and continues through the spring with the possibility of the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist, being received at Easter Vigil Liturgy, determined by the readiness of the person and their desire to continue. Following their initiation, the new church members (Neophytes) begin an additional period of deepening instruction and experiential engagement in the mission of the Church for the next several months. Throughout this journey, the individual is accompanied by a Sponsor who stays with them through the entire process and beyond.
For those who have been baptized in another Christian church with the Trinitarian formula ("In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit"), we offer the Candidate process in the Fall and Spring with other potential opportunities to receive full initiation into the Catholic Church:
All initiations are followed by a period of deepening instruction and experiential engagement in the mission of the Church. Each Candidate also has the support and accompaniment of a Sponsor throughout the entire process and beyond.
If your Baptism was performed in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the Trinitarian blessing) and is verified, you will not be baptized again. In the Candidate cycle, those who have previously been validly baptized will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation by making their first confession, and then, to complete their initiation into full communion with the Church, will make a profession of faith in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and will receive the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist.
If you are seriously considering becoming a Catholic or would simply like more information about the Catholic faith, please click the “OCIA Inquiry Form” button above. This will give us the necessary information to better serve you and help you continue this amazing journey.
The Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA), a spiritual journey, is a gradual process within the community of the faithful by which an interested person becomes an initiated member of the Catholic Church. OCIA marks the various steps on the way to full initiation within the Catholic Church in four (4) specific periods. While there are time frames set forth for each period, the actual time required is determined more by the development of each person and their discernment with the assistance of the Coordinator:
Each Inquirer shares your journey with a Catholic “sponsor.” The sponsor is a baptized and confirmed Catholic who is at least 16 years old, and is actively celebrating the sacraments. Sponsors attend meetings with you and may attend Mass with you to help acquaint you with the St. Francis Catholic community. If you know of a Catholic with whom you would like to share this experience, please mention this to the OCIA Director. There are parish volunteers waiting to serve in this capacity. If you don’t know a Catholic to choose to sponsor you, we will match you with a member of our parish family.
Sessions are led by trained catechetical teams. Each year many lifelong friendships develop in the sessions as we gather to learn and pray together. While we recognize that “life happens” and you may have to miss an occasional session, regular attendance is vital to the orderly progressive nature of instruction and enlightenment. Missed sessions will need to be ‘made up,’ but the greatest impact of the sessions is in the presentation, discussions, and worship done with the group. Ultimately the complete preparation process is an individual one and its conclusion is not necessarily marked by the number of sessions attended, but rather by the periodic discernment interviews conducted with the Coordinator throughout the process.
– John 1:38-39a –